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Introducing the BMJ Best Practice

The BMJ Best Practice is a clinical decision tool to help you, as a clinician, follow best practices, improve patient outcomes and reduce quality variation in various healthcare settings.  In other words, it helps you make diagnoses and formulate treatment plans based on recent evidence at the bedside or clinic, without poring through multiple web pages or guidelines. Essentially, fellow clinicians have done the tasking job of synthesising a lot of clinical information into easy-to-read and eye-friendly formats like bullet points, graphics, videos and power points. The NICE guidelines and the Cochrane library continually provide updated evidence on which the tool is built upon.

Access is free for NHS staff in England, Wales and Scotland through an OpenAthens account. If you do not have an OpenAthens account, you could speak to your Trust’s Librarian to open one for you or open one with the NHS account.

The clinical decision tool comes highly recommended;

Highlights of the application

  1. You can search the the tool by condition and clinical presentation
  2. While reading and surfing content on the web/app, it automatically logs your time spent in form of accredited CPD points.
  3. You can access >200 evidence-based medical calculators
  4. You can take verified courses and add the certificates to your portfolio.
  5. It also comes with a user-friendly, well optimised mobile application on the Playstore and Apple store.

and lots more!

For a more comprehensive exposition of the BMJ Best Practice clinical decision tool, see the video below:

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